Report on NZ Ecological Society Newsletter
Divulgação científica #scicomm
Pesquisadora da Unesp publica estudo sobre limites geográficos da Mata Atlântica
Pesquisa sobre municípios com maior risco para Chagas é publicada numa das principais revistas do mundo
Os possíveis abrigos da doença de Chagas
Redescobrindo a Mata Atlântica
As metamorfoses da Mata Atlântica |
Menos mata, menor deslocamento |
Natural infection of Neotropical bats with hantavirus in Brazil
Landscape resistance influences effective dispersal of endangered golden lion tamarins within the Atlantic Forest
Data papers
ATLANTIC MAMMAL TRAITS: a data set of morphological traits of mammals in the Atlantic Forest of South America
ATLANTIC BIRDS: a dataset of bird species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
ATLANTIC BATS: a dataset of bat communities from the Atlantic Forests of South America
ATLANTIC-CAMTRAPS: a dataset of medium and large terrestrial mammal communities in the Atlantic Forest of South America
Guia para análise de redes ecológicas
Capítulos de livro
Dealing with Fragmentation and Road Effects in Highly Degraded and Heterogeneous Landscapes
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